About their expensive network...

“Social network analysis (SNA) is the process of investigating social structures through the use of networks and graph theory. It characterizes networked structures in terms of nodes (individual actors, people, or things within the network) and the ties, edges, or links (relationships or interactions) that connect them.” This is not new nor exclusive.

Since using social network analysis & Twitter API to download, analyze and visualize Twitter networks is a thing ...

Last week, from Rome HQ we used Tweepy, Python and Gephi, then created a pandas DataFrame to analyze the "Sussex Network". Using NetworkX to extract a network from this data and run basic network analytics then visualizing the network in Gephi was the start. 

Twitter offers a free REST API to stream data in realtime and download historical data.

Findings: HUNDREDS yes HUNDREDS of Twitter accounts are giving the impression of "Sussex support" and fan-dom. This support hive is a ruse and in no way accurate. The sheer volume of accounts is in turn used to promote favorable partners when mutually beneficial: TIME, PEOPLE etc

Many of you are right to suspect their "attack dogs" and "squad leaders" are well placed representatives.

The rest are not individual people, rather, an entire cache of Pro-Sussex Twitter fans manipulated by a small handful of people who seek to benefit from the fray.

For those who dutifully followed @BARKJACK through the years you will know we accurately informed our followers of key contentions ahead of #Megxit, the inability of the pair to jive or respect conduct, NEWS that the pair would take an indefinite hiatus (#megxit December 2019) and countless instances of previous bargains, deals and collusions with Fashion Websites and Talk Show Host turned Goliath Confessional Guru: Oprah.

It's enlightening to be silenced on Twitter when we are only dedicated to exposing truth. We will archive and publish a number of our tweets to back up everything through the years. We have reported on global celebrity and entertainment circles since the 80s with no end in sight.


  1. I think we have all suspected this, Macleans ran an article on MM's bots way back, why wouldn't they continue something that worked before.


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