J-Lo & Ben: Major Stress-Fest!

Recently J-Lo and Ben Affleck held another ceremony (publicity event) in Georgia officiated by Jay Shetty, in addition to the attendance of several Hollywood stars. Photo: Ben Affleck following his three-day wedding celebration with Jennifer Lopez / BACKGRID Here's the wild behind the scenes details we got from a guest! Last time (Bennifer 1.0) these two almost got to the altar (for real) things exploded when JLo found out Ben hooked up at his bachelor party. Broken hearted by Ben she called it off a day before. Then and now, JLo has zero tolerance for his boozing and partying ways. They both have agreed to this 'big-biz coupling' but this time JLO wasn't going to let Ben have any fun. During the 3 day affair designed to thoroughly wear him down and make partying almost impossible for him, he was given little room to breathe. What's more, Jlo tasked Ben's Mother with the unfortunate job of monitoring his actions at all times. This led to major tension...